


one hundred.






To GOD, always and forever, be the glory. The true author and artist of it all.


I remember sitting amongst a group of friends partaking in lunch one Sunday afternoon. One friend looked me in the eye and said she was going to be getting married next year and I would be there to photograph her wedding. Did I mention that I had only taken a few engagement photos (the ones photographers look back on in their career and say, what was I thinking!). Did I also mention that she was single at the time. I laughed at the comment and said no way would I ever photograph a wedding. Sure enough, a year later I was photographing her wedding as she married the man of her dreams.

I can’t claim it as my own. People ask how I got started and I must say, it took several years before being ok with admitting that this was a profession of mine. My dream was to pursue a graphic design degree and work for Relevant Magazine. God certainly had a different plan. A better one. One I couldn’t have dreamt of myself.

Now here we are, 100 weddings later and I simply can’t wait for the next 100. Each brings wonderful people in my life that I wouldn’t have had the opportunity to meet otherwise. To those 100 couples, I thank you. And to my dear supporters, I thank you. My heart is simply full from the love, grace and care I have been shown throughout this journey. I’m still learning and very much an imperfect person trying to figure it out. I’m not quite the business woman I’d like to be yet, I still struggle with getting to all the emails in a timely maner, and I still have moments where my creativity freezes and my confidence wanes, but God sees me through each time.


To those who long to pursue and unexpected dream of your own. I pray you will have mistakes to learn from, laughter & a support system to keep you going and a passion that keeps you up at 2am sometimes because you simply are so excited to keep working.


Above all, may God always be glorified through each image. May you see his example of love in these stories and beautiful moments. I certainly would not be doing this if He didn’t orchestrate every opportunity to capture a beautiful moment. The biggest lesson is a continual reminder  that my identity and value is not found in this work, but in Him alone. I hope you see his face in these images.


Thank you again. My heart is full. So very thankful. Here is to the next 100 :).

  1. Congratulations! I love ready such positive, encouraging stories of how people are living their dreams. 🙂

  2. Ingrid says:

    Katie, I am so proud of you and all your hard work. Praise God for the work He does through you. Praise God for the beauty He creates, then inspires you to capture for the rest of us to admire.

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At home near the ocean. Ever-focused on exploration and finding beauty in stillness; found in the moments that leave me inspired and in wonderment. 

Over the span of the last fifteen years, I've learned far beyond the artistry of capturing an image. It's evolved into an exploration of embracing the imperfections and discovering how a couple connects with the world around them. My deepest hope remains still: to capture moments not only worthy of filling your home, but ones where laughter is palpable and your love radiates with each passing milestone.